In PhsicsMag’s 4th
annual issue, I wanted to move out of my comfort zone. Writing about music was
exactly that. Music is a domain which I don’t normally ‘examine’ because
people’s emotions always seem to be heavily invested in it. I find it unfair
that artists are rated and ranked based on what they've accomplished. Releasing
an album is an accomplishment; it’s like giving birth to a baby. Imagine if all
the new born babies in the world were rated and ranked based on what they looked
like or how much they weighed or something, that would be messing with people’s
emotions. The commercialization of music has created a culture of unnecessary
comparison and evaluation based on appeal or segmentation. For those who are
interested in media studies, a scholar by the name of Marshall McLuhan once said
“the medium is the message”. My interpretation of his statement is that when a
music video is streamed on MTV for example, MTV is the medium, therefore it
(MTV) is that message; the message is not in the content of the music videos which
it streams! It’s an interesting notion for understanding the current state of
media and its portrayal of youth culture, religion, race, and anything else you
can think of.
Earlier this year, I established Digital Timeless (Phsics.DigitalTimeless) to be the “medium” that Mr. Marshall McLuhan spoke of. Digital Timeless is a vertical agency for PhsicsMedia. In simple terms, we cover content creation from its inception right to its projection. Digital Timeless allows PhsicsMedia to be a ‘cable network’ that makes films, clothes, magazines and coffees (my good friend Vanessa Bolosier knows this), and still be able to be cool. We’re so secure about what we want to achieve that being in trend isn’t a factor for us. Our Youtube Channel will premiere many of our future works with A Universal Language being our very first. With AUL I want to achieve an effective connection between the Les Deux brand and young, progressive artists from Los Angeles. Maddy McFly (formerly of the duo Sound Fx) is one of them, and we’ll be revealing our other subject in AUL’s next trailer. This is fascinating because Les Deux is a clothing brand from Copenhagen. By bringing the two worlds together, we’re able to align them with a set of values which a globally relevant; humanity, grace, fluidity, respect, and substance. AUL is the first film I’ve ever produced and although this is its first trailer (we’re dropping another one soon) I’d just like to appreciate the contributions of my co-pilots Jared Soule, Andreas von de Hoider, and Kal Mokhtar. The full documentary will premiere on our Youtube Channel along with PhsicsMag’s 4th annual issue in early 2014. Stay blessed