Friday, April 23, 2010

Theo van Doesburg’s Dada and Style

De Stijl (1917)
The De Stijl (The Style)movement wanted to reflect the basic elements of art and design through shape, colour, and composition. Paintings were characterized by cubes (known as cubism) and natural colours. Theo van Doesburg is the lesser known of the De Stijl founders. Theo van Doesburg’s De Stijl publication has raised more questions than answers. Is style related to simplicity? Why would one try to define style if the definition is rooted to an individuals tastes, traits, and personality? Is there such a thing as ‘basic’ art and design? Do you think Ndebelism is a characteristic of  De Stijl?
Dadaism (1916)
So the Dada movement came before the De Stijl. I won’t bore you with a history lesson, but Dadaism was founded in protest towards WWI. Dadaism is anti-art. Theo van Doesburg was a key member of the movement too. I guess this is why Dada art came across as being an extreme case in trying to define what style is or what expression is.It left me puzzled.
Theo Van Doesburg’s work shows us how important it is to be controversial in art and particularly in design. Start something new and believe in it.

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